
Showing posts from May, 2017

Baby Comfy Care Nail Clippers

As most parents know, it’s so hard to keep our baby’s fingers short so that they don’t scratch themselves or even us. Personally when my daughter was about 2 months old; I tried clipping her fingernails. For me, that was the last time I would do that! I cut my little girls finger and the sad part was I used baby nail clippers. You would assume they were safe to use on those tiny little hands wouldn’t you? Well for me it didn’t work out so great. However, I came across a product and after a lot of research, YouTube videos and personal reviews from other parents I figured I would give it a try. If you haven’t checked out the Baby Comfy Nail clippers it is a MUST !!! I love them! My daughter does NOT ever get cut with these! The Baby Comfy Nail Clippers are a one blade nail clipper so it doesn’t touch your baby’s skin! There is a flat plastic ledge on the bottom that helps push back baby’s skin moving it out of the way while the top blade cuts the nail and ONLY the nail. The n...